The Baker Why: Empowered Learning and Opportunities for all Stakeholders
At Baker, we believe:
- Lifelong learners are created through respect, access, and connection.
- A safe environment is created by all stakeholders engaging in practices that lead to positive relationships that honor and respect all perspectives.
- Collaboration leads to agency and larger resources for success.
- The future we deserve is achieved through high expectations for all.
- Embracing change promotes positive outcomes in achievement and growth, both collectively and individually.
Student Attendance
- Contact us
- Attendance Matters
- Becca Bill: Washington Attendance Law
- Early Dismissal
- Leaving School Grounds During School Day
- Missed Assignments
- Policy for Pre-Planned Family Activity/Extended Absence
- Tardies
Contact us
If your student is going to be absent, please reach out to our Attendance Specialist.
- Email: BakerMSAttendance@tacoma.k12.wa.us
- Phone: 253-571-5058
We're here to help
Baker is here to help you overcome any barriers that your student and your family may be facing that are impacting attendance. Please contact someone from the office or the counseling team to discuss how we can help you have your student here every day and on time. Stay Bulldog Strong!
Attendance Matters
School attendance is one of the major factors affecting the progress made by any student. There is a direct relationship among absences, poor grades, and dropouts. Arriving on time and attending school every day are the first steps to success.
Whether excused or unexcused, the number of days your student misses can greatly impact their academic success. Strive for regular attendance. Regular attendance means having, on average, less than two absences per month. An absence is defined as missing 50% or more of their scheduled day.
Missing 10 percent (or about 18 days) increases the chance that your student will not read or master math at the same level as their peers.
Students can still fall behind if they miss just a day or two days every few weeks.
By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.
By 9th grade, regular and high attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.
Absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with schoolwork, dealing with a bully or facing some other potentially serious difficulty.
Unexcused absences are an early warning sign for unaddressed problems with school and future dropout.
Becca Bill: Washington Attendance Law
Washington Attendance Law
A state law, called the “Becca Bill,” requires children between ages 8 and 18 to attend public school regularly, with few exceptions. The Becca Bill also requires schools and parents to make sure children attend school.
What does the law require?
Students are required to be in school, on time, every day unless there is a valid excuse.
What is an excused absence?
Absences due to the following reasons must be excused:
Illness, health condition, or medical appointment for the student or person for whom the student is legally responsible;
Family emergency including, but not limited to, a death or illness in the family;
Religious or cultural purpose including observance of a religious or cultural holiday or participation in religious or cultural instruction;
Absence directly related to the student's homeless or foster care/dependency status;
Absences due to student safety concerns, including absences related to threats, assaults, or bullying;
Absences due to a student's migrant status
For a complete list of excused absences visit: Attendance and Truancy | Washington State Governor's Office of the Education Ombuds
What is an unexcused absence?
If the student is absent and does not meet any excused criteria, the student is considered unexcused absent.
A student is absent when missing 50 percent or more of the school day from in-person, synchronous online, or asynchronous instruction.
Early Dismissal
- If a student must leave school during the day for any reason (medical, dental, disciplinary dismissal, etc.), a dismissal slip must be obtained from the Attendance Office. Please allow extra time to call your student from class. Students will not be brought to the office before you arrive.
- A written request for dismissal, to include both the time and reason for dismissal, is to be presented to the Attendance Secretary on the day of the early dismissal.
- If a student becomes ill during the day, an early dismissal slip will be issued by the nurse or the office after contact with the parent/guardian has been made and authorization has been given for the student to leave school early.
- Parents or guardians must provide valid identification prior to the release of a student.
- Students will not be released after 2:30 p.m. Please make arrangements to pick-up your student before then for any reason.
Leaving School Grounds During School Day
We are a closed campus. Once a student arrives at school, they cannot to leave the school grounds until the end of the school day without written permission from the office.
Students attending after school activities may not leave campus then return to the afterschool activity for any reason without permission from the principal/designee. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.
Missed Assignments
If an absence is excused, the student will be permitted to make up all missed assignments outside of class under reasonable conditions and time limits established by the appropriate teacher or designee; if a student misses a participation-type class, they can request an alternative assignment that aligns with the learning goals of the activity missed.
Policy for Pre-Planned Family Activity/Extended Absence
- Parents must complete and turn in a planned absence form. This must be approved by the principal or assistant principal at least three (3) days prior to the planned activity. Considering the student's academic record and the expected impact of absence on achievement, the principal may approve or deny excused absence requests.
- Parent and student must sign a Planned Absence Form and agree to make up the missed work and/or complete special assignments or the absence will become unexcused.
- If special assignments or make-up work are not completed within five (5) school days following the student's return, the absence will become unexcused.
- Per District policy, a maximum of five (5) days absences for pre-planned family activities may be excused per year.
Expectations and Rules
Rights of Learners
15/10 Rule
The 15/10 rule is meant to help all students and teachers begin class efficiently and safely. It allows teachers to take accurate roll, for classroom activities and learning to begin without interruption, and keeps students supervised in a more accountable way.
- No student may leave the classroom for the first 15 minutes of the class period. This includes the restroom, nurse, drinking fountain, another class, counselor, etc.
- No student may leave class during the last ten minutes of the class period. This includes the restroom, nurse, drinking fountain, another class, counselor, etc.
If there is an emergency, please communicate to the teacher and adjustments can be made. You may not bypass the teacher before class starts by first going to the counselor, nurse, or front office. This will become a tardy. Please always check in with the teacher first.
Bathroom Log
All classrooms have a "Bathroom Log". Anytime a student leaves the classroom to go to the restroom, he/she/they must sign out on the classroom "Bathroom Log". It is important that students write clearly and provide the time leaving class and the time returning. Make sure to always have a hall pass when traveling outside of the classroom.
It is important to always focus on being a scholar and active participant in all learning activities. For this reason, cellphones, ear buds, headphones, and any other non-school issued electronics may be used in the classroom. If a student does not follow this rule the teacher may take the phone and hold onto in a safe place until the end of the class period. If the student refuses to put the device(s) away and out of sight, an administrator will confiscate it and keep it in a safe place until the end of the day. In some cases, if a student continues to use the above-mentioned devices in class, he/she/they may need to check them in at the beginning of the day and pick-up at the end of the day.
Cell Phone Policy
All Baker classrooms, passing periods and lunches will be cell phone, Bluetooth, and headphone free. Meaning there will be no use of cell phones or Bluetooth headphone use in the building. As a result, students will be expected to have cell phones off or in silent mode in their backpacks.
A constant school-wide policy to prohibit cell phone use during the day will support student success, promote a bully free environment, nurture positive social emotional growth, and increase academic engagement. The intent is to support students in their academic success, removing major temptations and distractions and promoting face to face interactions and connections.
Below are the expectations for Baker students regarding cell phone use this year:
- Cell phones may be used on school grounds before and after school.
- Cell phone use is prohibited inside the school unless the student visits the office to make a phone call to guardians.
- During the instructional day, cell phones must remain in the student's backpack. If your student needs a backpack for this purpose, we can support this.
- The use of headphones is permitted in the classroom for academic purposes only and will be instructed by the teacher.
- Wireless earbuds and headphones are not allowed.
- Students will be subject to corrective action if cellphone or headphones are used during the school day.
- The school and its staff is not responsible for any damage or theft of a student's cell phone or headphones.
- During any safety drills or emergencies, cell phone use is prohibited to ensure safety. Communication regarding school emergencies will come from administration.
Dress Code
The purpose of the school dress code is to provide a means of identification and belonging to Baker Middle School; it helps us better define ourselves as a community of students and scholars. This is also a safety protocol that makes it possible for us to easily identify intruders. Our Baker Middle School dress code is designed to help students focus on learning. It also contributes to our safe and orderly school environment. Students must dress appropriately and according to the guidelines. There will be no modifications to intended style. Students must remain in dress code the entire school day including arrival and departure. Students who do not comply with the Baker uniform will be asked to make adjustments and/or have a parent/guardian bring the appropriate items. Civvi/Free Dress Days: Multiple times throughout the school year, Baker will have free dress/civvies days. Students are required to dress appropriately and according to the guidelines set forth by ASB, staff and administration. Questions regarding this attire must be clarifed beforehand.
We're here to help: Please let the office or counselors know if you are having difficulty fulfilling the dress code expectations.
- This is required uniform attire.
- Maroon, gold and gray Baker uniform t-shirts (short or long sleeves), purchased at Baker Middle School
- Maroon, black and gold Baker hoodie/sweatshirt (optional)
- Baker logo required- no other logos are acceptable
- No bare midriffs
- No pinning, tying shirts, rubber bands, or other alterations
- No hoods may be worn while in the building
- Coats/sweatshirts need to remain unzipped to expose Baker gear
- Jeans, pants, shorts, capris, sweats, skirts, legging, joggers
- Must be worn at the waist and no larger than one size up
- Shorts/shirks must be no more than two inches above the knee
- NO holes, tears, rips or other alterations
- Athletic or dress- no open toes
- All shoes must have heel straps or backs
- No flip flops, sprots sandals, slippers or moccasins
Jewelry & Accessories
- Belts must be worn through the loops
- No bandanas of any color, doo-rags, hair nets
- Needs to be school appropriate (no drug-related images, swear words, etc.)
- No furry tails
- Absolutely no hats are to be worn in the building
- Coats and other outerwear must be stored in backpacks or worn under an approved uniform shirt.
At Baker we believe in restorative practices. We believe all students can learn from mistakes, conflict, and other mishaps. Below are some guidelines we use when working with student behaviors. Baker also follows state law on suspensions and all other high-level disciplines.
Intervention Matrix | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Description | Mild classroom disruption or low level, disengaged learning vs. non-learning behaviors. These behaviors should be dealt with at the classroom level. | Moderate to excessive classroom disruption that intends to interfere with the learning of self and others. Adm in will work on next steps after several level 1 interventions have been tried. | Serious behaviors that substantially disrupt the school environment or cause mental/physical harm to self or others. These behaviors will be dealt with by administration pursuant to TPS policies. |
Examples | • Food, drink, gum • Cell phone use • Side Conversations that interrupt learning • Uniform Infractions • Out of seat w/out permission • No Materials • Shout Outs • Anger/Anxiety • Profanity • Inappropriate use of school materials • Writing on Desks • Refusal to work -non- disruptive • PDA |
• Vandalism of other's material • Chronic Inappropriate Language • Abusive Language directed at another • Small Theft • Skipping • Refusal to Work -Disruptive • Disruptive and/or repetitive Defiance • Malicious/Repetitive Behaviors |
• Excessive Vandalism or permanent damage to property • Any Unwanted Physical Contact • "Persistent" Bullying • Theft of Major/Valuable Items • Racial Slurs/HIB Language • Drugs/Alcohol • Nudity/Pornography • Violent and threatening actions |
Interventions | • Verbal/Nonverbal Redirections • Proximity • Phone Call/email Home • Positive Praise/PAWS slip • Collateral Exchange • Model Desired Behavior • Buddy Rooms • Re-Teach or Remind • Classroom Meeting • Seek Clarification/Check in • Owe Time • Reward Tokens • Reset/Quiet Time • Peer Intervention • 1 on 1 Conversation • Forewarn Consequence • Lunch Detention -Classroom |
• Counselor Intervention • Parent/Team Staffing • Conflict Resolution • Campus Clean Up • Conference with Admin • Ad min "Back on Track" Plan • Parent Involvement • Restorative Conferences • Determine Function of Intent • Mentor Pep Talk • IEP/504 Adjustments through Case Manager • Office Referral • Lunch Detention -Office |
• Suspension • Alternative Learning Environment • Schedule Adjustments • Shortened Day • Restorative Conferences |
Academic and Program Information
- Curriculum and Classes
- ELL Program (English Language Learners)
- Title I/LAP Programs
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Physical Education
- Grades
Curriculum and Classes
We have 6 class periods each day and the school year is divided into two 18-week semesters. Students have both core and elective classes.
Core Classes
- English Language Arts
- Math
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Studies
Elective Classes
- Advanced Placement Human Geography (8th grade only)
- Art
- Broadcasting
- Band and Orchestra
- Drama
- Korean
- Spanish
- Technology
Our foreign language programs are designed so that students who take and pass the classes both their 7th and 8th grade years can earn a high school credit.
ELL Program (English Language Learners)
Title I/LAP Programs
The goal of the Title I/LAP programs is to help participating students at Baker meet the state's performance standards expected of all students. The program model at Baker offers targeted assistance in math for a selected number of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. Students are identified for services through state assessment scores and teacher recommendation. Additionally, it supports the SEL of all students through connections with the social worker.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Baker is home for the DHH program for middle school students in Tacoma. Hearing
impaired and deaf students attend regular classes with the assistance of sign language interpreters. Hearing impaired and deaf students are encouraged to participate in all school activities. A video
phone is provided and may be reached by calling 253-292-2286. For more information, call the main office.
Physical Education
The goal of physical education at Baker is to encourage students to improve muscular endurance,
reduce body fat and to develop habits and skills necessary to maintain lifetime fitness.
To succeed in PE
• Dress daily in an approved PE uniform ( determined by teacher assignment).
• Actively participate in assigned activities on a daily basis.
• Display respect for all staff members and classmates.
• Abide by classroom and activity rules on a daily basis.
• Make-up work required to replace work missed during absences in a timely manner (2-3 days after returning to PE class).
• Show responsibility for your own clothing and possessions and secure your property in a
responsible manner on a daily basis. Students are expected to not share their PE lock combination with anyone and to be responsible for safely securing any and all valuables brought to the gym. Neither the PE staff nor the school is responsible for any stolen or missing property taken from the gym or locker room.
Students use StudentVUE to view their attendance, grades, schedule, and more. You can access it online and with a mobile app.
Activities and Athletics
- School Spirit
- Identification (ID) Cards
- Associated Student Body (ASB) Membership
- Associated Student Body (ASB) Senators
- Club Beyond
- Bulldog Center & After School Activity Bus
- Athletics
School Spirit
Our school spirit is reflected in loyalty to oneself and the school. It is divided into three categories. Exhibit these characteristics at all times.
- Excellence: Strive for excellence in all you do
- Pride: Demonstrate pride in yourself and your school
- Tradition: Effort, courtesy and sportsmanship
Be a fan, not a fanatic
- Respect decisions made by contest and school officials
- Refrain from taunting, booking, heckling and the use of inappropriate language
- Recognize and acknowledge outstanding performance by athletes on both teams
- Attendance at this contest is not a license to verbally assault others or to be generally offensive
- Respect athletes, coaches, officials and other fans
- If you do not adhere to these expectations, you will be asked to leave the event
Identification (ID) Cards
All students should carry their Baker issued ID card at all times. ID cards will include photo ID and a bar code. If you purchase an ASB membership for $15.00, it will be printed on the ID card. ID cards will be scanned by the cafeteria and librarian. Students who lose or misplace their cards will be charged a $5.00 replacement fee.
Associated Student Body (ASB) Membership
Students who participate in sports, ASB clubs or the Associated Student Body Government are required to have an ASB membership on their account. Free and reduced lunch students will not be charged but they need to request an ASB membership be added to their account. Other students will need to pay $15.00 for their ASB membership. Students with ASB membership receive free entrance to TPS high school games.
Associated Student Body (ASB) Senators
ASB consists of seven 6th, 7th and 8th graders who become student senators. These senators make up the student body government. They make decisions about activities and money for all extracurricular activities. To become an ASB senator, students must have a 2.50 GPA, fill out an application, and give a speech to their own grade level. The 7th and 8th grade elections take place in the spring; 6th grade elections are held in the fall. Senators must maintain a 2.50 GPA, display good citizenship and have good attendance. Please Contact Larry Kennedy at lkenned1@tacoma.k12.wa.us if you have questions regarding ASB activities or programs.
Club Beyond
Tacoma Public Schools and community partners have come together to offer Beyond the Bell activities for students in grades K-5 and Club Beyond activities for students in grades 6-8. Login to your Compass: TPS Family App account and visit the activities page to see what options are available at your student's school.
Bulldog Center & After School Activity Bus
Baker provides many after-school activities through our partnership with the YMCA. Our afterschool program is the Bulldog Center. The activities in the Bulldog Center allow students to meet new friends, learn more about a club or activity, and have a safe and supervised place to be after school hours. Activities include cooking club, chess club, anime, and after school tutoring provided by teachers or the YMCA staff members. This program is ever evolving based upon the interest and needs of the students and staff.
- An activity bus will be provided for all students who participate in after-school activities. The bus leaves daily (Monday-Thursday) from Baker at approximately 4:35 PM.
- Students who are not enrolled in after school activities will not be allowed to ride the activity bus.
- Bused students will be dropped off at the elementary school nearest their home.
- Students must register to participate in the Bulldog Center after school program through the Compass Family App or see Mr. Michael for a paper application.
- If students do not adhere to the rules of the Bulldog Center, they will be suspended from the program.
- The Bulldog Center is part of the district partnership "Club Beyond" including community partners led by the YMCA. Registration is required.
Register to participate in sports
Middle school students compete district-wide against each ocher in 11 different sports. 6th through 8th graders can participate at the varsity, junior varsity and c-team level, gaining invaluable experiences through competition.
1. Complete forms through online portal Final Forms (Athletic Registration, Concussion & Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness, and Informed Consent 2024-25).
2. Submit proof of current physical exam signed by your physician (physicals are good for 13 months).
3. Maintain academic eligibility Find details in the Interscholastic Athletics and Activities Regulations 2151R
4. Pay the required ASB membership fee $15 through the family app or at Baker middle school office.
Learn more about Baker Athletics
Academic Standard for Athletic Eligibility
Students must have a 2.0 with no failing grades throughout the season to be eligible to participate in inter-school competition. This eligibility will be determined by the school's regular grading cycle or formal progress reports.
Review of each student's academics will be monitored by the athletic director. Students' ineligible based upon the school's regular grading cycle or formal progress reports will be placed on suspension from competition for one week. If at the end of one (1) week, a formal progress report for the student reflects that they are meeting the requirements, they may then be reinstated for competition. Only one progress report will be allowed per week. If the student does not meet the requirements, they will remain ineligible and on suspension from competition. During the suspension period, the student will be allowed to practice but will not be allowed to play a game until the student meets the academic standard stated above.
The academic standard may be waived by the building administration upon written request by the teacher and/or athletic director.
School attendance is one of the major factors affecting the progress made by any student. There is a direct relationship among absences, poor grades, and dropouts. Arriving on time and attending school every day are the first steps to success.